Try Velvet for free

It's free to create a workspace, connect data, and test out the AI editor.


/ month

For individual contributors

AI SQL editor
300 AI queries / month
3 workspaces
20 sources / workspace
1 contributor seat
Email support
Get started


/ month

For early-stage startups

AI SQL editor
1200 AI queries / month
10 workspaces
60 sources / workspace
5 contributor seats (+$39 / extra)
Email & Slack support
Get started


For high-growth startups

AI SQL editor
Custom AI query package
Unlimited workspaces
Unlimited data sources
Unlimited seats
Premium support
Get started
Monthly limits & add-ons
32k token context / workspace
10 GB data storage
50 GB bandwidth
$10 / additional 100 AI queries
$10 / additional 100 GB data storage
$20 / additional 500 GB bandwidth
Monthly limits & add-ons
128k token context / workspace
50 GB data storage
500 GB bandwidth
$10 / additional 100 AI queries
$10 / additional 100 GB data storage
$20 / additional 500 GB bandwidth
Monthly limits & add-ons
128k token context / workspace
Includes storage
Includes bandwidth
Dedicated infrastructure
Data engineering support
Custom contract and compliance
ai-first data platform

Make everyone on your team a data engineer.

Try Velvet for free

Q & A

Who is Velvet built for?
How do I get started?
What data sources do you support?
What are common use cases?
How much does it cost?